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PlanetDNS Client 2.0

PlanetDNS Client This software enables you to easily create an Internet Name for your computer.

The PlanetDNS Client software is utilized by all service levels offered by PlanetDNS (PlanetDNS Standard, PlanetDNS Pro and PlanetDNS Enterprise).

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Features & Benefits
What's New

The PlanetDNS Client version 2.0 has the following new features:
  • Revised Interface
    Minor user-interface changes to improve the look-and-feel and usability of the application.

  • Generic Remote Desktop Support.
    Added capability for Win98/Me/NT/2000/XP for deskside service providers. Contact us for details if you wish to use this software for your own customer support applications.

  • Data Encryption.
    Data is now sent securely from your computer to our DNS and Registration servers with industry standard 40-bit encryption. Users can also chose from higher encryption levels in the software from 128-bit to 256-bit encryption levels. The encryption code has been moved to its own plug-in, providing for better export controls and allowing the encryption level to be easily increased by downloading an appropriate plug-in.

  • Multiple Interface Support
    If your computer is equipped with more than one network interface (network card), you can select which interface to use when sending updates to the PlanetDNS service providers. This allows you to select the routable IP address you want to associate with your Internet Name when you have multiple connections to the Internet.

  • Online Account Manager.
    You can now make changes for your PlanetDNS Client online by logging into our Customer Care Online section of our website. This is especially beneficial for users that have a large number of PlanetDNS Client accounts and would like to be able to manage them all from a single location.

  • Plug-In Support.
    Plug-in extensions can now be installed without requiring the PlanetDNS Client software to perform a complete re-initialization.

  • Automatic Updates
    Automatic update feature can be enabled to automatically download and optionally install newer versions of plug-in extensions.

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