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Friday July 26, 2024
PlanetDNS Support
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Knowledge Base Knowledge Base
Search through our knowledge base of technical and customer support.
Test your Server Test your Server
Troubleshoot our software and make sure you can be reached by others.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions FAQs
Have questions? Take a look and you will likely find your answer here.
Lost Authorization Code Lost Registration
Lost your license keys or authorization code? We can send it to you by e-mail.
User's Manuals User's Guides
Find our latest user's manuals for all our products and services here.
Contact Us Contact Us
You can contact us if you have any further questions.
Tutorials Tutorials
Step-by-step tutorials on how to setup routers, webservers, ftp servers, etc.
Comments Comments
Use our online comments form if you have any comments or questions about our services.

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