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December 13, 2004: PlanetDNS Client version 2.0 released

We are pleased to announce the release of our most sophisticated and comprehensive Dynamic DNS client software to-date.

Added features include UPnP support that makes configuring your router a snap by automatically creating the necessary port forwarding arrangements in your router to support the server software you are running, and an automatic update feature to ensure you always have the latest version of the software.

If you are running a previous version of the software, consider upgrading today. The upgrade is seamless and, best of all, it's free!

What is PlanetDNS Client?

PlanetDNS Client allows you to easily create an Internet Name for your computer that automatically tracks your current dynamic IP address.

PlanetDNS Client utilizes advanced dynamic DNS technology to provide you with the equivalent of a static IP address without the need to ever again use an IP poster to publish your current IP address to a webpage.

PlanetDNS Client enables you to easily run any kind of server software, such as an FTP, mail and web server, on your home computer.

PlanetDNS Client includes web port redirection in the event that your ISP blocks the standard web port as well as mail port redirection, mail forwarding, mail store and forward, spam filtering and automatic virus scanning features.

PlanetDNS Client is compatible with all Internet connection types, including cable, DSL, wireless, satellite, ISDN and dial-up.

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