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Press Releases

December 13, 2004
NewAce Corporation releases version 2.0 of PlanetRemote PC remote control software.
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December 13, 2004
NewAce Corporation releases version 2.0 of PlanetDNS Client dynamic DNS software.
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December 13, 2004
NewAce Corporation launches Web Site with improved support tools.
[ Full Article ]

July 1, 2002
NewAce Corporation reveals PlanetRemote and PlanetSiteServer companion products to its global Dynamic DNS services.
[ Full Article ]

August 5, 2001
NewAce Corporation launches its Windows® light-weight fully modular dynamic DNS client, an enabling technology to its globally distributed Dynamic DNS service.
[ Full Article ]

August 1, 2001
NewAce Corporation launches its globally distributed dynamic DNS services.
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